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[:id]Apa Pendapat Mereka tentang Program Studi S1 Biologi?


Kuliah biologi di SITH menyenangkan, terutama karena banyak hal yang bisa dipelajari. Para dosen yang mengajarpun kompeten dalam bidangnya masing-masing dan mampu memberikan motivasi kepada para mahasiswa sehingga mahasiswa terdorong untuk dapat belajar lebih. Dari kurikulumnya, biologi SITH memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk mempelajari biologi secara komprehensif dan memudahkan dalam menentukan topik penelitian tugas akhir yang akan dilakukan. Dengan adanya Kelompok-Kelompok Keilmuan yang mencakup berbagai bidang ilmu biologi, biologi SITH merupakan pilihan terbaik bagi para siswa yang tertarik akan kelimuan biologi (Wulanita K., Angkatan 2006).


Selama saya menempuh pendidikan di SITH ITB sejak tahun 2003 hingga 2008, saya merasa banyak ilmu yang saya dapatkan dan cakupannya luas, terutama karena banyak praktikum dan proyek perkuliahan yang membantu saya untuk memahami pelajaran selama kuliah dan akan banyak membantu dalam dunia kerja. Selain itu juga ilmu yang diberikan selama perkuliahan senantiasa mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang ada terkait dengan ilmu hayati (Nusa Mashita, Angkatan 2003).


Kalau mau kuliah biologi, salah satu yang terbaik ada di ITB. Biologi itu bukan soal hafalan, tapi pemahaman. Disini, kita ga cuma belajar teori, tapi juga implementasi ke kehidupan sehari-hari. Kuliah di Biologi itu penuh kesan. banyak cerita yang bisa dikenang, dosen pengajarnya pun kompeten di bidangnya. Kuliah Biologi sama sekali ga bikin bosen karena banyak kuliah lapangan yang seru, mulai dari Cibodas sampe Baluran dan pulau Seribu sampe Cipatujah. Ga nyesel deh kuliah di Biologi ITB! cuma 1 kata, AWESOME! (Fitria W. Angkatan 2006).


Selama saya kuliah di SITH ITB, saya merasa bahwa saya banyak belajar. Dari banyak hal yang saya pelajari, bagi saya yang paling bermanfaat adalah belajar berbagai ilmu baru, belajar mengatur waktu, dan belajar menulis secara ilmiah. Mungkin semua perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta lain juga memberikan ilmu-ilmu tersebut, namun di prodi ini saya diberi banyak kesempatan lebih banyak dan fasilitas yang tersedia pun cukup memadai (Nuri Nurlaila, Angkatan 2003).


Ilmu yang saya dapatkan selama saya kuliah di SITH sangat berguna baik untuk pekerjaan maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tidak hanya ilmu teori yang saya dapatkan, ilmu lainyang bersifat soft-skill juga banyak saya dapatkan. Hal ini didapatkan karena SITH tidakhanya semata-mata mengajarkan ilmu teori semata, namun bagaimana ilmu tersebut diterapkan dalam kehidupan nyata yang bisa sangat beragam aplikasinya (Rahmania Budiharjo, Angkatan 2004).


Selama saya berkuliah di Biologi, saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu mengenai dasar-dasar ilmu biologi, seperti ekologi, fisiologi hewan, dll. Hal ini sangat berguna dalam pekerjaan saya, mengingat saya bekerja di bidang konsultan. Saya bisa memberikan analisis terhadap data lapangan berdasarkan ilmu-ilmu yang saya dapatkan. Staf pengajar di SITH sangat kompeten di bidangnya (R. Ria Antarini, Angkatan 2002).


Belajar biologi berarti tantangan untuk belajar dengan coverage yang luas. Kita akan disuguhi subjek-subjek menyangkut tumbuhan, hewan, sel, ilmu fisika-kimia yang harus dikuasai sekaligus. Memang kelihatanya melelahkan tapi percayalah hal itu amat bermanfaat. Terbiasa belajar dengan bidang yang luas juga sedikit banyak bermanfaat bagi pekerjaan sekarang. Saya bekerja di industri manufaktur di bidang pengelolaan lingkungan hidup. Saya dituntut unttuk mampu menjawab permasalahan di bidang pengelolaan lingkungan hidup yang menyangkut proses produksi, dampaknya terhadap biota, dan efeknya kepada masyarakat sekitar. Melelahkan sih, tapi saya sudah terlatih sejak kuliah 😀 (Wildan Johardi, Angkatan 2003)

 [:en]What do they say about Undergraduate Program in Biology?

Oda“I would say that Biology seems to be protective to their students when I studied Biology at ITB during 1997 to 2001. The curriculum seems wanting to equip us with many knowledge that allows students to be exposed to different sciences within Biology. It enables me to speak about whole different range of issues on Biology, from ecology to cellular biology, from conducting transect method in the field to PCR-electrophoresis in the lab. I have the privilege to be in the class with quite ideal number of students as well; at least I feel that the number of the students back then in my era suits the carrying capacity of the lab and equipment. Although the history of my works doesn’t really fit 100% to my study background, the scientific method rigor and the systemic thinking of how things are intertwined and interconnected make my works easier. The regime of heavy load of lab works and reports, the juggling of getting good grades, making friends and being active in students extracurricular activity as Biology student greatly contribute to the ability of managing time effectively and doing multiple tasks at once at work.” -Hilda Lionata // Wildlife Conservation of Bird Indonesia-

Khrisna“Biology undergraduate program of SITH ITB has taught me life sciences more than I could have imagined and expected when I know I was accepted here. The curriculum was prepared to accommodate the latest development of life sciences. The lecturers are also competent in their fields. Despite those great factors, lab facilities should be renewed when they need to or maintained on a regular basis. Not to forget, student council also improves students’ soft skills and organizational experiences. I am very proud to be a part of this program! Viva la 106!” -Khrisna Putera-

Regina“Study in Biology ITB is a wonderful chance. The facilities and curriculum are very supportive to guide the student to be a researcher. In every semester, students are guided to do a research in a group. This simple research make us think critically, tolerate our teammate, and find our passion in which field of Biology we have been interested. All of the lecturers are expert in their field, such as ecology, biomedical, genetics and molecular biology, biotechnology, etc. Biology makes me have a lot of variety experiences. Laboratory activities, that are bored and field trip, which can make us tired are our challenges to learn Biology. But, I enjoy all of it!” -Regina Giovanni-

Untitled“As someone who loves biology, studying here makes my college life complete. Here, we learn almost everything about biology. From molecular biology to ecology. And what makes it really special is that we experience both laboratory life and also outside field life. Almost every year we visit a national park around Indonesia to study the organisms and their interaction in their natural habitat. It was an amazing experience. And to top that off, there is also a student organization in the department, which allow us to explore biology even further outside the class”. -Arif Ibrahim Ardisasmita-

Miranti Fitri“Students are taught to keep abreast of recent advances in biological discoveries. We are motivated to apply our knowledge and skills that we have gained here in daily life and later, work life. Besides studying the theory of biological sciences knowledge itself, we also indirectly trained to do public speaking from the research presentation we are often do and analyzing (also solving) problems in research. But indeed, this program is quite hard and student must have a high commitment to finish it. One last thing, as a student, I think it would be better if the faculty have more extensive and complete lab facilities” -Miranti Fitri Khairunissa-

Ignatius“Teacher explained the class clearly, using digital media or only chalks and writeboard. Either of those teaching ways is fine to the students. I also got usefull practical works which have increased my lab working skills and logical and systematic thinking. Final life science projects given in project-named course have taught me creating good teamwork. The students are urged directly or indirectly to read textbook. This program offers wide range life science topics, e. g. molecular technology, biomedical sciences, plant sciences, and ecology. The problem is lab tools and facilities are complete but not sufficient enough” -Ignatius Andri Ferlianda-


“I have had great experience studying here in SITH. I enjoy it here because most of the lecturers are quite capable in their fields. Yet they are too competent that sometimes it is hard to fulfill their standards due to inadequate facilities. It is worsened by incompetent administration staffs. As a matter of fact, SITH already has good program for instance field trips, internships, mini-researches, various applicable courses. It only needs to improve the management and upgrade the facilities” -Aga Muhammad Irsan-
