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[:id]Prospek Lulusan[:en]Graduate Profile[:]


Lapangan kerja terbentang luas bagi sarjana Biologi. Selama lebih dari 50 tahun, ITB telah menghasilkan sarjana Biologi yang menekuni dan terbukti sukses dalam berbagai bidang. Lulusan Biologi ITB, antara lain, bekerja di instansi Pemerintah, instansi swasta/industri, atau bergerak dalam kewirausahaan; dalam bidang yang terkait dengan penelitian, pendidikan, pertanian/agribisnis, peternakan, kehutanan, pertambangan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, banyak lulusan yang langsung diterima untuk meneruskan studi pasca sarjana di mancanegara dengan memperoleh beasiswa internasional yang kompetitif.


Many graduates of our schools have strong contribution in various domains: research, educations, industries, public policy, and so on. Those who pursue careers in research continue their study to the graduate level (in abroad or national universities), and most of them become outstanding scientists. Many graduates become lecturers in other national universities to develop science education and research in their respective universities. Among alumni employed, 18.5% have been recruited by local companies, 61.1% by national companies, and 20.4% by multinational companies. UPB graduates need approximately three months on average as waiting time to start their first job after graduation.


Employment status of graduates from the Undergraduate Program in Biology. Class of refers to the year in which students entered the Program and graduated four years later (e.g., class of 2004 refers to alumni who entered the job market in 2008). Number surveyed = 102 graduates, or 48% of total graduates in three years
