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Prof. Dr. Djoko Tjahjono Iskandar

School of Life Sciences and Technology
Institut Teknologi Bandung
E-mail : iskandar@sith.itb.ac.id

Area of Interest: biodiversity, evolution, biogeography, amphibian, reptilian, ecological valuation, species indicators, small vertebrates.

No Degree University Year Diplome
1. Doktor Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France 1984 Doctorat de Troisiéme Cycle
2. Master Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France 1981 Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies
3. Sarjana Institut Teknologi Bandung 1975 Doktorandus



AWARDS and Recognitions
No Award type Year Organization/sponsor:
1. Ganesa Cendekia Widya Adi Utama 2011 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
2. Government Gold Medal 30 year 2009 Government of Indonesia
3. Habibie Award in Basic Sciences 2005 The Habibie Center, Jakarta, Indonesia
4. Government Silver Medal 20 year 2003 Government of Indonesia
5. ITB Award Medal 25 years 2003 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
6. Kennedy Award Best published paper of the year with R.M. Brown. 2001 The International Society for the Study of Amphibian & Reptiles, USA
7. Name perpetuation in honour to scientific achievement In herpetology: Djokoiskandarus annulatus 2011 Murphy, J.C. in Raffles Bulletin of Zoology
8. Name perpetuation in honour to scientific achievement In herpetology: Polypedates iskandari 2011 Riyanto, Mumpuni & McGuire in
Russian Journal of Herpetology.
9. Name perpetuation in honour to scientific achievement in herpetology: Draco iskandari 2007 McGuire, Brown, Mumpuni, Riyanto & Andayani in Herpetological Monograph, 2007
10. Name perpetuation in honour to scientific achievement in herpetology: Fejervarya iskandari 2004 A. Dubois, A.M. Ohler & M. Veith, in Alytes 2004
11. Name perpetuation in honour to scientific achievement in herpetology: Luperosaurus iskandari 2003 R. Brown, H. Ota & J. Supriatna, in Copeia 2003
12. Name perpetuation in honour to scientific achievement: Collocasiomya iskandari 1998 T. Okada in Japan J. Entomology.
Professional Appoinment
Professional Appointment From to Employing Institution
Curator of Herpetology Section Feb 1975 to Feb. 1978 Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, National Biology Institute of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Lecturer March 1978 to present School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Vice Dean 2002-2005 Graduate School, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Head of the Faculty Senate 2006-2008 School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Member of Academic Senate 3rd Commision Academic Senate 2000-present 2008-present Institut Teknologi Bandung
Committee Member of Staf Advancement (TPAK) 2002-present Institut Teknologi Bandung
PPAK DIKTI 2008-present Dirjen DIKTI
Member of professor Board 1998-present Institut Teknologi Bandung
Member of Editorial board 1995-present Tropical Biodiversity; ITB Journal of Sciences; Proceedings ITB
Membership in Academies and Sociesties
  • Research Associate, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises Specialist Group IUCN.
  • Coordinator, Indonesian representative. Amphibian Specialist Group, IUCN. (Declining of Amphibians Task Force)
  • Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia.
  • Penggalang Taksonomi Indonesia.
  • International Society for the Study and Conservations of Amphibians
  • Perhimpunan Herpetologi Indonesia
  • Reviewer Scientific, Menristek
Current Research Activities-Project
No Subject Period Resources Collaborators
1 Herpetofauna Sulawesi 1989- present = Texas , Kansas, Berkeley
1989-1990 yes Lausanne , Swiss
1990-1994 Basic Sciences
1998-2008 Texas , Berkeley Texas , Berkeley Mc.Gill
2 Herpetofauna Borneo 1999 = WWF
2000 = CIFOR
2004 yes Enesar , Australia
2007-2008 = CI, NUS
3 Herpetofauna Sumatra 1989-present = LIPI
2007-2009 = CI, NUS, Berkeley
4 Herpetofauna Papua 1998-present = South Australia, CI, Enesar, BHP, BITA, Louisiana


Professional Appoinment


  • Agus, R., Iskandar, D. T., & Moeis, M. R. 2014. Polimorfisme gen pengkode protein membran peritrofik (PM-48) Screwworm fly (Chrysomya bezziana) asal Bandung dan Makassar. Prosiding Seminar Unhas.
  • Akhmadi, A.; D.T. Iskandar, 2014 (2013). Keanekaragaman Spesies Reptil di Pulau Banggai, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi Pembelajaran dan Sains 2013 (SNIPS 2013) Bandung, 3-4 Juli 2013, pp 298-301. [ http://prosiding.papsi.org/index.php/SFN/article/viewFile/507/518 ]
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2013. Perspektif peneliti terhadap konservasi penyu di Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Konservasi Penyu KP3 Fakultas Kehutanan UGM 10 Desember 2013
  • Iskandar, D.T ., A.L. Stubbs, S.B. Reilly & J.A. McGuire. 2013. The genus Cyrtodactylus (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) in the Wallacean region . 2nd Wallace Conference , 10-13 November 2013.
  • Iskandar, D.T . 2013. Contribution to the conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles in Indonesia. Kongres dan Seminar Nasional Herpetologi. UNNES, Semarang 18-20 Oktober 2013
  • Iskandar, D.T . 2013. The biodiversity of Sumatran herpetofauna and its relationships within the Sunda-shelf. Seminar Nasional Biologi, Padang, 14 September 2013.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2013. Kegiatan Alto di kecamatan Luwuk Banggai. Seminar sehari BKSDA Kabupaten Luwuk Banggai , Luwuk, 11 Juni 2013
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2013. Studi integratif mengenai evolusi keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia. Orasi Ilmiah dalam Rangka Dies Natalis ITB ke 54 . Aula Barat, 2 Maret 2013.
  • Novianti, V., D.N. Choesin, D. Suprayogo, H. Suryawardana, D.T. Iskandar . 2012. Accelerating primary succession on coal mine overburden dumping sites in Satui, South Kalimantan, Indonesia: Plant species selection and growth performance. 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment. November 21st-22nd, 2012. 1-20 pp.
  • Rahmi, Y., M. Kamsi, J. A. McGuire, D. P. Bickford & D. T. Iskandar . 2012. The Distribution of Gonocephalus Species (Reptilia, Iguania, Agamidae) on Sumatra, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere . 119-128. ( (http://www.biomaterial.lipi.go.id/hss2012/ProceedingOfISSH2012-LAPAN-BANDUNG.pdf#))
  • Bickford, D.P., D.T. Iskandar , A. Barlian, B.A. Rachmatyningtyas;  R.M. Brown; U. Arifin, M. Kamsi; D.C. Blackburn, A.C. Diesmos. 2012. Ecology and evolution of the lungless frog.  World Congress of Herpetology . Vancouver, 10-12 August 2012.
  • Iskandar, D.T . 2012. Konservasi dan eksplorasi hewan endemik Indonesia. Seminar Tamu Biologi Universitas Terbuka . Pondok Cabe 6 Juli 2012.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2012. Progress in Southeast Asian herpetology. Seminar Tamu , Universitas Brawidjaya Malang, 10 Mei 2012.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2012. Bioindikator (Persebaran populasi katak sebagai indikator kerusakan alam). Seminar Alumni SITH 21 April 2012 di ITB.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2012. Strategi penelitian dalam bidang biologi. Workshop Pemantapan Pembelajaran Sains & Matematika Berkelanjutan . Rocky Plaza Hotel, UBH, UNAND dan UNP kerjasama dengan Indosat, 10-13 Januari 2012 .
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2012. Pembuatan modul kompetensi biologi untuk guru sekolah menengah atas di Sumatra. Workshop Pemantapan Pembelajaran Sains & Matematika Berkelanjutan. Rocky Plaza Hotel, UBH, UNAND dan UNP kerjasama dengan Indosat, 10-13 Januari 2012 .
  • Iskandar, D.T . 2011. Kemajuan mengenai penelitian Herpetologi di Sumatra. Seminar Nasional Herpetologi 2011. Depok, 7 Januari 2011.
  • Blackburn, D.C., D.P. Bickford, A.C. Diesmos, D.T. Iskandar & R.M. Brown. 2010. An ancient origin for the enigmatic Flat-Headed Frogs (Bombinatoridae: Barbourula ) from the islands of Southeast Asia. Evolution Meeting, The Society for the Study of Evolution . Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon, USA. June 25-29, 2010 [pdf]
  • Indraswary, K .; DT Iskandar ; DP Bickford; Biofagri AR; M Kamsi; U Arifin; S Howards & A Rachmansah 2010. Reptile diversity at the northern Border of Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park, Schwanner Mts, Kalimantan, Indones ia. The 23 rd Japan Herpetological Society Conference, Tokyo, 8-10 October 2010
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2010. Biodiversity and Conservation in the Sundaland. Seminar Indonesia-Malaysia. Bandung, 21 Desember 2010.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2010. Presentasi Post Doc Par B DIKTI di Hotel Homan bagi peserta Par B Agustus 2010.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2010. Pengembangan keanekaragaman Hayati di Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Biologi Pelepasan Guru Besar Biologi Unpad. Jatinangor, 6 Desember 2010.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2010. Peranan laboratorium dalam peningkatan kompetensi pendidik biologi dan pengembangan penelitian biologi dalam teknologi. Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru IPA dalam Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan laboratorium . Basko Hotel, Univ. Bung Hatta, Unand dan Univ. Negeri Padang, 15-18 Dec 2010.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2010. Peranan laboratorium dalam peningkatan kompetensi pendidik biologi dan pengembangan penelitian biologi dalam teknologi. Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru IPA dalam Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan laboratorium. Pangeran Beach, Univ. Bung Hatta, Unand dan Univ. Negeri Padang, 28-31 Juli 2010.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2010. Menggali & mengembangkan potensi saintis peneliti dari pengajar yg handal menjadi peneliti yg professional Seminar Nasional Guru Kampus UNAND, Limau Manis, Padang 1 Maret 2010
  • McGuire , J.A, R.M. Brown, J. Supriatna, N. Andayani, D.T. Iskandar , A. Riyanto, Umilaela, Mumpuni. 2010. Phylogenetics and Biogeography of SE Asian Flying lizards. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Conference . Bali 19-23 July 2010.
  • Umilaela, R. Elianur, D.P. Bickford, D.T. Iskandar , D.I. Roesma, A. Rachmansah, A. Prayogo, D.A. Hadisaputro & E. Pialo . 2010. Herpetofauna Diversity at Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Conference. Bali 19-23 July 2010.
  • Abdullah, D. T. Iskandar , D. N. Choesin & A. Sjarmidi. 2009. Strategies of habitat and resources use by sumatran elephants ( Elephas maximus sumatranus temminck, 1847). International Conference on Natural and Environmental Sciences (ICONES) 2009 . Banda Aceh, Indonesia. May 6-8, 2009
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Captive breeding coping with threatened Indonesian Amphibians. International Workdshop on Indonesian Amphibians. Taman Safari Indonesia , Cibodas 27 th – 29 th July 2009
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Evolution und Biogeographie d’Herpetofaune d’Indonesie. Guest Seminar , Salle Louis Thaler, l’Institute des Science de l”Evolution. Montpellier 23 September 2009
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Evolution et Biogeographie d’Herpetofaune d’Indonesie. Seminaire au Stage pour des Gestionnaires d’Espaces Naturels, Park Nationale de Cevennes, 26 Septembre 2009.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Progress in Indonesian Herpetology: A tale of three islands . Guest Seminar at Department of Integrative Biology, Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, 17 November 2009
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi. Keynote speaker Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Padang, 17-20 Maret 2009, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi. Keynote speaker Workshop Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Unand, UPH, Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Padang, 17-20 Maret
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi. Keynote speaker Workshop Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Unand, UPH, Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Payakumbuh 20-24 Juli 2009,
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Informasi Penelitian dalam Bidang Biologi. Workshop Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Unand, UPH, Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Padang, Payakumbuh 20-24 Juli 2009,
  • Iskandar D.T. 2009. Wawancara mengenai Barbourula kalimantanensis di SCTV-Indosiar Februari
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2009. Seminar Katak Indonesia. Foksi Kebun Binatang Bandung , 27 Februari.
  • Iskandar, D.T . B.J. Evans , J.A. McGuire & R.M. Brown. 2009. The genus Limnonectes (Amphibia, Anura, Dicroglossidae) of Sulawesi, evaluation of speciation and land terranes. Southeast Asian Gateway to Evolution (SAGE Conference ): Holloway College, University of London, 15-18 September 2009.
  • Iskandar, D.T., M. Kamsi, D.P. Bickford, J. A. McGuire & K. Indraswary. 2009. The Amolops (Amphibian, Ranidae) of Sundaland. ” Conference on the Biology of the Amphibians in the Sunda-Region” Kuching (Malaysia). 28 September – 03 October 2009.
  • Iskandar, D.T .; D. P. Bickford; Umilaela; M. Kamsi; S. Howard, N. Firdaus; Biofagri A.R., A. Rahmansah, K. Indraswari; M. Yansyah; L. Aditya ; G.Ramadhan; D. Aryadi; B. Susilo; H. Hasymi; H. N. Tokan . Herpetofauna of the Heart of Borneo: Report on new collection. ” Conference on the Biology of the Amphibians in the Sunda-Region ” Kuching (Malaysia) 28 September – 03 October 2009. (dibawakan oleh L. Aditya).
  • Umilaela, Iskandar, D.T., & R. Elianur. 2009. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Karimata Island. “Conference on the Biology of the Amphibians in the Sunda-Region” Kuching (Malaysia) 28 September – 03 October 2009.
  • Indrawan, M., Y. Masala, S. Somadikarta, J. Supriatna, & D.T. Iskandar 2008. Turn-Over in an Oceanic Volcano: Birds of Una-una, the Togian Islands (Central Sulawesi, Indonesia) International Conference commemorating 150 years Alfred Russel Wallace : Letter from Ternate . 10-14 December 2008, Makassar
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Mengenal daerah Wallacea. Seminar Pulau-pulau terluar Indonesia. Wanadri. 2 Desember 2008, Bandung
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Pembelajaran Evolusi. Seminar tamu Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Andalas, Padang 10 Juni.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Ilmu Hayati dalam Pendidikan Sarjana Teknik di ITB. Openhouse ITB , Gedung Serba Guna ITB, 22 Februari 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Mengajarkan Evolusi, pro dan kontra. Seminar Internal FMIPA Universitas Andalas April 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi. Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA, Universitas Bung Hatta- Universitas Andalas- Universitas Negeri Padang-SCTV, Padang, 27 Maret 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2008. Mengembangkan Penelitian dalam Bidang Biologi. Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Universitas Bung Hatta- Universitas Andalas- Universitas Negeri Padang-SCTV, Padang, 27 Maret 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T. & M. D. Kusrini. 2008. Review of current status of Indonesian Amphibians during Global Climatic Change. Conference on Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of South-east Asia. Conservation International Cambodia 29- 30 April, 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T., J.A. McGuire, R.M. Brown & B.J. Evans. 2008. The amazing reproductive strategy in Sulawesian Limnonectes (Amphibia, Dicroglossidae) incongruency of DNA with morphological and reproductive aspects). International Conference commemorating 150 years Alfred Russel Wallace: Letter from Ternate . Makassar 10-14 December 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T. & M. D. Kusrini. 2008. Review of current status of Indonesian Amphibians during Global Climatic Change. Conference on Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of South-east Asia . Conservation International Cambodia 29- 30 April, 2008, Phnom Penh.
  • Kurniawan, N., D.M. Belabut, H. S. Yong, M. M. Islam, R. Wanichanon, M. M. R. Khan, T. H. Djong, D.T. Iskandar , M. Nishioka & M. Sumida. 2008. Genetic divergences in Fejervarya cancrivora from Indonesia and other Asian countries inferred from morphological observations, crossing experiments and molecular techniques. Proc. Chugoku-Shikoku Branch Zool. Soc. Japan ? 60 17-18 May 2008 Higashi-Hiroshima.
  • Rowley, J., R. Bain, R. Brown, T. Chan-ard, T.T. Cao., A. Diesmos, R. Inger, D. T. Iskandar , M. Kusrini, M. Lau, T.M. Leong, S. Makchai, T. Neang, Q.T. Nguyen, S. Phimmachak, B. Stuart & G. Wogan, 2008. A Conservation Strategy for the Amphibians of Southeast Asia. World Congress Herpetology . Manaus, August 2008.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Berkarya Dalam Lingkungan Ilmu & Teknologi Hayati. Keynote speaker Lokakarya Penelitian Unggulan LIPI, Jakarta 28 Agustus.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Penggunaan data Amfibi untuk menggambarkan kesehatan lingkungan perairan dan hutan. Keynote speaker Seminar KIPWIL . Palembang 22-23 Juni.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Pembelajaran Evolusi. Workshop Pendidikan Guru BPG . Bandung.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi. Keynote speaker Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Padang, 27 November 2007, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Informasi Penelitian dalam Bidang Biologi. Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Padang, 27 November 2007, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi. Keynote speaker, Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Universitas Bung Hatta- SCTV, Padang, 21 Maret 2007, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. & J. Supriatna 2007. Menentukan Status konservasi Amfibi dan Reptil Indonesia. Keynote speaker Seminar Herpetologi Indonesia . IPB & PILI, 28-29 Mei. 26 pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2007. Pengalaman dan Hasil Penelitian di Bidang Herpetologi. Workshop Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Laboratorium Guru IPA Unand, UNP, UBH dan Indosat, Hotel Pangeran Beach Padang, 20-23 Maret 2007, 60 pp.
  • Umilaela & D.T. Iskandar , 2007. Amfibi dan Reptil Maruwai, Kalimantan Tengah. Seminar Herpetologi Indonesia Bogor 26 Mei.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi., Keynote speaker Workshop Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Laboratorium Guru IPA Unand, UNP, UBH dan Indosat, Hotel Pangeran Beach Padang, 20-23 Maret 2007, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Biodiversitas Amfibi dan Usaha Pengembangannya di Indonesia. Seminar Herpetologi and Mamalia Air, Departemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air, IPB Bogor, 23 November 2006, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Peran Laboratorium dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendidik Biologi., Keynote speaker Seminar Pengembangan Laboratorium MIPA , Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, 21 November 2006, 20pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Pengembangan Keilmuan., Keynote speaker Seminar Program A2 , UNUD Denpasar, 23 September 2006, 46pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Identifikasi dan penelitian kura-kura, Keynote speaker Training pengenalan penyu, kura-kura dan labi-labi , Universitas Bengkulu, Bengkulu, 18-21 September 2006, 24pp.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Mempertahankan Garis-Depan Keilmuan. Keynote speaker Prosiding Seminar Program Kompetitif LIPI , Crowne Plaza, Jakarta, 13-14 September 2006, pp xvi-xviii.
  • Iskandar, D.T. 2006. Indonesian Amphibians. Voice of America , December 2006.
  • Indrawan, M., S.Somadikarta, J. Supriatna, D.T. Iskandar , 2006 Avifaunal distribution and endemism in the Togian Islands, Gulf of Tomini, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Abstracts of the 24th International Ornithology Conference papers are published in Journal of Ornithology – 147(1) 5, Suppl.1, August)
SCOPUS 35 Docs, 67 cited docs; 150+ Co-Authors; 950 References, 735Citations of 607 docs, Hirsch 13; Web Search 336. PUBMED INDEX 20. PUBLISH or PERISH 136 docs (108 cited), 1603 Citations; AWCR 255.29; AWi 15.98; AWCR RpA 74.59; E 28.07; G 37; Hirsch 20; Hc 14; Hi 5.71; HInorm 11; Hm 10.53. GOOGLE SCHOLAR 89 docs, 62 cited docs; Total Citations 1502+168+182+33, Hirsh 20; i10-index: 30; since 2008: 1088, Hirsh 15; i10-index: 21. per 4/IX/2014

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