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[:id]Struktur Kurikulum[:en]Structure[:]

[:id]Program Studi Sarjana Biologi tidak memiliki jalur pilihan. Secara garis besar, Kurikulum Program Studi Sarjana Biologi terbagi atas dua tahap, yakni:

  • Tahun Pertama Bersama : 2 semester, 36 sks
  • Tahap Sarjana : 6 semester, 108 sks
    • Compulsory courses: 88 CU/122 ECTS
    • Elective courses: 20 CU/28 ECTS
  • Total : 8 semester, 144 sks
    • Compulsory courses: 124 CU/172 ECTS
    • Elective courses: 20 CU/28 ECTS

Common First Year Structure

Semester I Semester II
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 MA1102 Mathematics IB 3/4.17 1 MA1202 Mathematics IIB 3/4.17
2/2.78 FI1102 Elementary Physics IB 3/4.17 2/2.78 FI1202 Elementary Physics IIB 3/4.17
3/4.17 KI1101 General Chemistry IA 3/4.17 3/4.17 KI1201 General Chemistry IIA 3/4.17
4/5.56 KU1011 Indonesian Language: Scientific Writing 2/2.78 4/5.56 KU1001 Sports 2/2.78
5 BI1101 Fundamental Biology 4/5.56 5 BI1201 Introduction to Life Sciences and Technology 2/2.78
6 KU1102 Introduction to Computation 3/4.17 6 KU1202 Introduction to Engineering and Design 3/4.17
7 KU1024 English 2/2.78
Total 18/25.02     Total 18/25.02

Curriculum Structure of UPB

Semester III Semester IV
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI2102 Animal Anatomy and Physiology 4/5.56 1 BI2201 Animal Development 3/4.17
2/2.78 BI2103 Animal Anatomy and Physiology Project 2/2.78 2/2.78 BI2203 Plant Physiology 3/4.17
3/4.17 BI2105 Genetics 4/5.56 3/4.17 BI2204 Project in Plant Science 2/2.78
4/5.56 BI2107 Plant Structure and Development 3/4.17 4/5.56 BI2208 Biosystematics 4(2)
5 MA2082 Biostatistics 3/4.17 5 BI2209 Cell Biology 3/4.17
6 KI2051 Organic Chemistry 3/4.17 6 KI General Biochemistry 3/4.17
Total 19     Total 18/25.02
Semester V Semester VI
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI2001 General Environmental Science 2/2.78 1 BI3001 Research Methodology 2/2.78
2/2.78 BI3101 Ecology 4/5.56 2/2.78 BI3090 Internship 3/4.17
3/4.17 BI3102 Ecology Project 3/4.17 3/4.17 BI3207 Project in Cell and Molecular Biology 2/2.78
4/5.56 BI3105 Evolution 2/2.78 4/5.56 BI3208 Behavioral Biology 3/4.17
5 BI3112 Molecular Biology 2/2.78 5 BI3209 Introduction to Bioinformatics for Biologist 2/2.78
6 BM3111 Microbiology 4/5.56 6 XXXXXX Elective courses 6
7 KU206X Religion and Ethics 2/2.78    
Total 19     Total 18/25.02


Semester VII Semester VIII
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI4001 Introduction to Bioethics 2/2.78 1 BI4098 Research Project II 3/4.17
2/2.78 BI4002 Scientific Communication 2/2.78 2/2.78 BI4099 Seminar and Oral Examination 2/2.78
3/4.17 BI4106 Synthetic Biology 2/2.78 3/4.17 BI4070 Bioindustry Management and Entrepreneurship 3/4.17
4/5.56 BI4097 Research Project I 4/5.56 4/5.56 XXXXXX Elective courses 10
5 KU2071 Pancasila and Civic Education 2/2.78
6 XXXXXX Elective courses 4/5.56
Total 16     Total 18/25.02

Internal Elective Courses

Semester Ganjil Semester Genap
No Code Courses CU/ECTS PT/P No Code Courses CU/ECTS PT/P
1 BI3108 Marine Ecology 3/4.17 P 15 BI3203 Animal Biotechnology 2/2.78 P
2/2.78 BI3109 Plant Biotechnology 2/2.78 P 16 BI3204 Endocrinology 2/2.78 P
3/4.17 BI3110 Plant Microtechnique and Analysis 2/2.78 P 17 BI3205 Molecular Phylogenetics 2/2.78 P
4/5.56 BI3113 Animal Histology 3/4.17 P 18/25.02 BI3206 Soil Ecology 3/4.17 P
5 BI3114 Structure, Properties, and Use of Wood 2/2.78 P 19 BI4201 Environmental Impact Assessment 2/2.78 P
6 BI4101 Aquaculture 3/4.17 P 20 BI4202 Landscape Ecology 3/4.17 P
7 BI4102 Bioconservation 3/4.17 P 21 BI4203 Management of Tropical Marine and Coastal Ecosystems 3/4.17 P
8 BI4103 Immunology 2/2.78 P 22 BI4204 Urban Pest Management 2/2.78 P
9 BI4105 Neurobiology 2/2.78 P 23 BI4206 Ethnobotany 2/2.78 P
10 BI4107 Methodology in Biomedical Analysis 2/2.78 P 24 BI4207 Formulation of Growth Media and Nutrition 2/2.78 P
11 BI4109 Stem Cell Biology 2/2.78 P 25 BI4208 Plant Reproduction and Breeding 2/2.78 P
12 BI4110 Insect Biology and Management 2/2.78 P 26 BI4209 Biogeography 2/2.78 P
13 BI4111 Plant Specialized Metabolism 2/2.78 P 27 BI4210 Aquaculture Genetics 2/2.78 P
14 BI4112 Plants as Environmental Bioindicator 3/4.17 P 28 BI4211 Genomics and Proteomics 2/2.78 P
29 BI4212 Basic Toxicology 3/4.17 P
30 BI4213 Introduction to Protein Engineering 2/2.78 P
31 BI4214 Physiology of Blood Circulation 2/2.78 P
32 BI4215 In Vitro Plant Culture Technique 2/2.78 P


Common First Year : 2 semesters, 36 CU

Undergraduate: 6 semester, 108 CU/150 ECTS
a. Compulsory courses: 88 CU/122 ECTS
b. Elective courses: 20 CU/28 ECTS
Total : 8 semester, 144 CU/200 ECTS
a. Compulsory courses: 124 CU/172 ECTS
b. Elective courses: 20 CU/28 ECTS

Table 1. Common First Year Structure

Semester I Semester II
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 MA1102 Mathematics IB 3/4.17 1 MA1202 Mathematics IIB 3/4.17
2/2.78 FI1102 Elementary Physics IB 3/4.17 2/2.78 FI1202 Elementary Physics IIB 3/4.17
3/4.17 KI1101 General Chemistry IA 3/4.17 3/4.17 KI1201 General Chemistry IIA 3/4.17
4/5.56 KU1011 Indonesian Language: Scientific Writing 2/2.78 4/5.56 KU1001 Sports 2/2.78
5 BI1101 Fundamental Biology 4/5.56 5 BI1201 Introduction to Life Sciences and Technology 2/2.78
6 KU1102 Introduction to Computation 3/4.17 6 KU1202 Introduction to Engineering and Design 3/4.17
7 KU1024 English 2/2.78
Total 18/25.02     Total 18/25.02

Table 2. Curriculum Structure of UPB

Semester III Semester IV
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI2102 Animal Anatomy and Physiology 4/5.56 1 BI2201 Animal Development 3/4.17
2/2.78 BI2103 Animal Anatomy and Physiology Project 2/2.78 2/2.78 BI2203 Plant Physiology 3/4.17
3/4.17 BI2105 Genetics 4/5.56 3/4.17 BI2204 Project in Plant Science 2/2.78
4/5.56 BI2107 Plant Structure and Development 3/4.17 4/5.56 BI2208 Biosystematics 4/5.56
5 MA2082 Biostatistics 3/4.17 5 BI2209 Cell Biology 3/4.17
6 KI2051 Organic Chemistry 3/4.17 6 KI3061 General Biochemistry 3/4.17
Total 19/26.41     Total 18/25.02
Semester V Semester VI
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI2001 General Environmental Science 2/2.78 1 BI3001 Research Methodology 2/2.78
2/2.78 BI3101 Ecology 4/5.56 2/2.78 BI3090 Internship 3/4.17
3/4.17 BI3102 Ecology Project 3/4.17 3/4.17 BI3207 Project in Cell and Molecular Biology 2/2.78
4/5.56 BI3105 Evolution 2/2.78 4/5.56 BI3208 Behavioral Biology 3/4.17
5 BI3112 Molecular Biology 2/2.78 5 BI3209 Introduction to Bioinformatics for Biologist 2/2.78
6 BM3111 Microbiology 4/5.56 6 XX XXXX Elective courses 6/8.34
7 KU206X Religion and Ethics 2/2.78    
Total 19/26.41     Total 18/25.02
Semester VII Semester VIII
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI4001 Introduction to Bioethics 2/2.78 1 BI4098 Research Project II 3/4.17
2/2.78 BI4002 Scientific Communication 2/2.78 2/2.78 BI4099 Seminar and Oral Examination 2/2.78
3/4.17 BI4106 Synthetic Biology 2/2.78 3/4.17 BI4070 Bioindustry Management and Entrepreneurship 3/4.17
4/5.56 BI4097 Research Project I 4/5.56 4/5.56 XX XXXX Elective courses 10/13.9
5 KU2071 Pancasila and Civic Education 2/2.78
6 XX XXXX Elective courses 4/5.56
Total 16/22.24     Total 18/25.02

Table 3. Internal Elective Courses

Odd Semester Even Semester
No Code Courses CU/ECTS No Code Courses CU/ECTS
1 BI3108 Marine Ecology 3/4.17 15 BI3203 Animal Biotechnology 2/2.78
2/2.78 BI3109 Plant Biotechnology 2/2.78 16 BI3204 Endocrinology 2/2.78
3/4.17 BI3110 Plant Microtechnique and Analysis 2/2.78 17 BI3205 Molecular Phylogenetics 2/2.78
4/5.56 BI3113 Animal Histology 3/4.17 18/25.02 BI3206 Soil Ecology 3/4.17
5 BI3114 Structure, Properties, and Use of Wood 2/2.78 19 BI4201 Environmental Impact Assessment 2/2.78
6 BI4101 Aquaculture 3/4.17 20 BI4202 Landscape Ecology 3/4.17
7 BI4102 Bioconservation 3/4.17 21 BI4203 Management of Tropical Marine and Coastal Ecosystems 3/4.17
8 BI4103 Immunology 2/2.78 22 BI4204 Urban Pest Management 2/2.78
9 BI4105 Neurobiology 2/2.78 23 BI4206 Ethnobotany 2/2.78
10 BI4107 Methodology in Biomedical Analysis 2/2.78 24 BI4207 Formulation of Growth Media and Nutrition 2/2.78
11 BI4109 Stem Cell Biology 2/2.78 25 BI4208 Plant Reproduction and Breeding 2/2.78
12 BI4110 Insect Biology and Management 2/2.78 26 BI4209 Biogeography 2/2.78
13 BI4111 Plant Specialized Metabolism 2/2.78 27 BI4210 Aquaculture Genetics 2/2.78
14 BI4112 Plants as Environmental Bioindicator 3/4.17 28 BI4211 Genomics and Proteomics 2/2.78
29 BI4212 Basic Toxicology 3/4.17
30 BI4213 Introduction to Protein Engineering 2/2.78
31 BI4214 Physiology of Blood Circulation 2/2.78
32 BI4215 In Vitro Plant Culture Technique 2/2.78

