Azzania Fibriani, M.Si., Ph.D
Ketua Prodi Sarjana Biologi SITH-ITB
Video Profil Program Studi Sarjana Biologi SITH-ITB

Sertifikat Akreditasi Program Studi Sarjana Biologi SITH-ITB
Bachelor of Biology focuses on the study of biological systems, starting from the smallest, the cells, to the largest system, the earth or biosphere. Understanding of biological systems can be used to answer problems in society, especially in the fields of food, health, environment and energy. Bachelor of Biology Study Program always delivers material that is in accordance with the development of current biological science and technology.
One of the focuses of teaching and research in accordance with the demands of revolution 4.0 is the use of big data in solving problems in biological systems. In addition, the Bachelor of Biology Study Program is also one of the national spearheads in health studies on genetic therapy using stem cell technology and genetic engineering. In the field of food, this study program actively develops various alternative products that can support national food security programs. In the environmental field, the study program develops conservation management concepts that can not only maintain the balance of nature but also provide added value to the surrounding community.
In running these programs, the Biology Undergraduate Program collaborates with domestic and foreign institutions. Through a curriculum and learning approach that always follows the development of biological science, graduates are expected to be ready to compete, both at the national and international levels. For this reason, the Undergraduate Biology Study Program actively conducts guest lecture activities with speakers from academic and research institutions as well as from industry practitioners. Throughout 2021, 22 guest lecture activities have been held at the Biology Undergraduate Program.
In running these programs, the Biology Undergraduate Program collaborates with domestic and foreign institutions. Through a curriculum and learning approach that always follows the development of biological science, graduates are expected to be ready to compete, both at the national and international levels. For this reason, the Undergraduate Biology Study Program actively conducts guest lecture activities with speakers from academic and research institutions as well as from industry practitioners. Throughout 2021, 22 guest lecture activities have been held at the Biology Undergraduate Program.
The undergraduate Biology Study Program is active in conducting learning collaborations with universities at home and abroad. In 2021, the Biology Undergraduate Study Program organized an international virtual course which was attended by 67 domestic students, as well as 77 students from abroad. In the same year, this study program was also actively organizing a student exchange program. Currently, there are two Biology Undergraduate Study Program students who take part in the outbound exchange program and three foreign students who take part in the inbound exchange program at the Biology Undergraduate Study Program. The undergraduate Biology Study Program is active in conducting learning collaborations with universities at home and abroad. In 2021, the Biology Undergraduate Study Program organized an international virtual course which was attended by 67 domestic students, as well as 77 students from abroad. In the same year, this study program was also actively organizing a student exchange program. Currently, there are two Biology Undergraduate Study Program students who take part in the outbound exchange program and three foreign students who take part in the inbound exchange program at the Biology Undergraduate Study Program.
In accordance with instructions from the Ministry of Education and Culture, this study program is also actively carrying out Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) activities. In its implementation, the Biology Undergraduate Study Program partners with universities in the country as well as with government research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and companies both private and state-owned. In 2021, there were 49 students who actively participated in MBKM activities. One of the MBKM programs that has just been completed is the MBKM program with the Bandung Zoological Garden (Bazoga) and ICRAF.
Throughout 2021, the Biology Undergraduate Study Program student association actively carried out student activities, both internal and national. One of the activities carried out was a virtual excursion with the State University of Malang and Brawijaya University. Students also actively participate in various national and international competitions. In 2021, students of the Bachelor of Biology Study Program won an award at the Fujio Cup competition, a competition organized by universities in Japan.